Current opening times at Chococo Swanage & Winchester

Current opening times at Chococo Swanage & Winchester

Our current opening times at our two locations are as follows:

Chococo Swanage:

Find us on Commercial Road, Swanage, Dorset, BH19 1DF

We are in a pedestrianised lanes area, so it is best to park elsewhere in town & follow the pavement signs into our lanes area in the heart of Swanage!

Monday - Saturday: 10am -  5pm
Sunday:                     11am - 4pm


Chococo Winchester:

152 High St, Winchester, Hants, SO23 9AY

We are at the lower end of the High Street on the stretch beyond M&S & opposite C&H Fabrics.

Monday - Friday: 9.30am - 5pm
Saturday:              9am      - 5.30pm
Sunday:                11am    - 5pm

We look forward to welcoming you to Chococo Swanage or Winchester!

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