Book now for chocolate workshops for children at our chocolate kitchen in Swanage on May 28th

We are taking bookings now for half term chocolate workshops for children aged 7-12ish at our chocolate kitchen opposite our shop in Swanage on Thursday 28th May 2015.
Each workshop lasts an hour & the kids get to take all their creations home. So let us entertain them for an hour whilst you enjoy a coffee in peace in our cafe, or go for a walk on the beach!
There will be sessions starting at 11am & 1pm and spaces are tight, so dont leave it too long to book!
We provide aprons & hairnets but ask that all long hair is tied back and no "fluffy" jumpers or flipflops please.
To book, visit our Swanage shop directly or call the workshop bookings hotline on 01929 422748
Our Swanage shop & chocolate kitchen address is: Commercial Road, Swanage, Dorset, BH19 1DF