Let us know your thoughts!

Your thoughts and opinions have helped shaped Chococo over the years, and we would love to hear more about what flavours you would like to see, what changes should be made, and things you love about Chococo!
We would really appreciate it if you could fill in our short survey (15 questions) and as a thank you, you will receive a 10% discount code to use on our website before 25th February.
At the end of the survey, there is an opportunity to sign up for a video interview, where we would love to ask you more in-depth questions about your experience with Chococo and what you would like to see the brand do. In exchange for joining us on this video call, we will gift you a hamper of our handcrafted chocolates. If you would like to be considered for this, please leave your contact email in the last questions, and we will be in contact over February to organise a chat.