Last Order Dates for Christmas 2016 nationwide delivery

As Christmas looms fast, an update for you on last order dates of our Christmas chocolate gifts.
Overall, with us, it is best to order NOW & choose the delivery date that suits you best between now & December 23rd on our calendar (it will pop up as you go through the order process).
We are still making our fresh chocolates every day but if your order isnt on our list, we may not be able to help you if you leave it until next week to place your order!
We make to order & there will come a point next week when we will run out of time to make any more & get them into the post in time for you!
Please be aware that we do not have a warehouse full of boxes made months ago just waiting to be shipped on the same day - we are quite different to many other chocolate companies in that regard. We will be aiming to get all deliveries out to you by December 23rd (as Christmas Eve is a Saturday)
Current last order date for 3-5 day standard delivery is midnight on Sunday 18th December.
Current last order date for guaranteed special delivery or courier will be noon on 22nd December as that will be our last posting day.
If we can fulfill any late orders placed after that day, we will update you all accordingly!