Treat yourself to a Chococo Chocolate Fondue this Half Term!

If you are looking to have a special treat with friends or family over half term, you might want to think about visiting us in Swanage or Winchester for one of these....
Available in 2 sizes (for 2 or for 4 & more), our unique hot chocolate dipping sauce (made with a secret blend of origin milk & dark chocolate & NO added sugar or any other nasties), is kept warm with a tealight & is served with a scrumptious selection of both sweet & savoury treats for you to dunk & enjoy.
Discover the fun of dipping fresh fruit or marshmallows into warm chocolate & then coating it with popping candy that fizzes in your mouth as you munch - happy eaters guaranteed!
Our fondues are available in both our Swanage & Winchester cafes throughout half term & beyond.