Our Easter opening times in our shops in Swanage & Winchester
Both our shops in Swanage & Winchester will be open as normal throughout the Easter weekend - this includes Good Friday & Easter Monday.
Both shops stock all the Easter gifts as available on our website PLUS our large 400g, giant 750g & super giant 3kg eggs wrapped in cello that are too fragile to post.
You can also create your own personalised gifts including our annually popular milk or dark chocolate half eggs to fill with your choice of fresh chocolates or Easter treats, and, as always, you can fill a selection box with your choice of our award-winning fresh chocolates & truffles - always a winner to share after Easter lunch!
While you are visiting, why not take a break to also treat yourself to one of our unique origin hot chocolates. Our selection ranges from a sweet white hot chocolate from the Dominican Republic to a sugar-free 100% hot chocolate made with cocoa beans from Colombia.
If you really want to indulge in all things Easter-flavoured, then you can always enjoy our Hot Cross Hot Choc...our hot chocolate of the month, suitably flavoured with mixed spice & orange!
Our teams in both Chococo Swanage & Chococo Winchester look forward to welcoming you to Chococo this Easter!