Co-founder Claire is described as a "pioneering British chocolatier" in the FT Weekend Sat 18th Nov

Chococo co-founder Claire Burnet was featured in the "How to spend it" magazine of the FT Weekend newspaper on Saturday 18th November in an article by Bill Knott.
Bill features just three chocolatiers; Claire, Paul A Young in London & Willie Harcourt-Cooze, in his insider's guide to gourmet chocolate, whether for personal indulgence or gifting.
Claire's views on the world of fine chocolate are described throughout the article and all 3 are described as "pioneering British chocolatiers" who are on a "joint mission to return chocolate to its rightful place as one of the world's greatest, most complex foodstuffs" and in doing so are "definitely raising the bar".
The article features our large Chococo Selection box but as Christmas is looming fast, perhaps our Large Christmas Selection Box may be more appropriate at this time of year to enjoy gourmet chocolate Chococo-Style!
Click here to view our Christmas Large Selection box